Grant application guidelines

United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, New Canaan and Darien

Guidelines for Grant Application


Organization Information

Each grant request should include both organizational and programmatic information. With respect to the organization, please provide the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Number of FT and PT staff
  • Name of CEO or Executive Director
  • Number of board members
  • Number of times the board met in FY 2014
  • Operating budget for 2014
  • Audited financial report (as an appendix)
  • Person submitting the grant proposal
  • Impact area for which this grant application is being made (formal education, informal education or social services)

Programmatic Information

Grant requests will be evaluated with respect to the degree they meet the following criteria:

            Justification: Provide a clear and valid rationale for the proposed program. Criteria that will be considered include:

  • The description of the program
  • The need for the program
  • The uniqueness of the program – population it serves, approach, whether it is being duplicated by others
  • The positive impact the program has/will have on the quality of Jewish life in Greater Stamford
  • How the program will maintain or increase levels of Jewish identification, affiliation and participation
  • How the program increases/will increase volunteerism (if applicable)
  • How the program increases/will increase the concept of Tzedakah
  • How the program increases/will increase service to a segment currently being underserved
  • Whether the program encourages collaborative efforts among Jewish organizations and reduces duplication of services. Priority will be given to grant applications that promote collaboration amongst agencies when relevant to the program.

Alignment: Demonstrate how the program meets one or more of UJF’s current priorities:

Outreach: programs which attract new constituents to our community

   Engagement: programs which increase involvement in our community

Education: programs which educate our community


Program administration: Provide a detailed program plan including:

  • Goals
  • Staffing needs, qualifications and responsibilities
  • Use of volunteers
  • Time line for implementation
  • Communications and marketing strategy.


Budget: Provide a detailed revenue and expense budget including:


  • Total amount requested and how the funds will be deployed (provide a breakdown of the project’s budget categories and cost estimates)
  • Sources of funding; other sponsors, contributions (including staff time) from the organization requesting the grant
  • How the program will be continued in the following year and beyond if the UJF funding is not renewed
  • A justification for the use of funds (dollars spent vs. number of people to be served)
  • Other funders (if any) and amounts they will be contributing




  • What are your metrics for success?  (How will the program be measured against its goals?)
  • What data will you provide to demonstrate project success and community impact?


  • How will you recognize UJF’s support for this program?